Election Information for Dave Roberts

Party: Reform

New Constituency: Holborn & St Pancras

Predicted Vote: 9.3%

Contact: holbornandstpancras@reformuk.com

Current MP: Kier Starmar (Labour)

Current Party Majority: 24,206

Ceasefire Vote: Not applicable

Received Donations: No information

Friends of Israel: Not a member

Designation: MP

English Region: Greater London

Country: United Kingdom

Details: Reform UK is an extremist right-wing party, led by the liar Farage who helped plunge UK into a terrible Brexit which we are still suffering. The Reform Party has no interest in any human rights, whether the people of Gaza or of asylum seekers or anyone non-British or non-white. It is expected that Reform UK will leak into the Tory vote and might even end up replacing the Tories as UK's right-wing party. Never vote Reform UK.

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Nelson Mandela

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