Election Information for Kier Starmar

Party: Labour

New Constituency: Holborn & St Pancras

Predicted Vote: 67.3%

Contact: Not known

Current MP: Kier Starmar (Labour)

Current Party Majority: 24,206

Ceasefire Vote: Abstained

Received Donations: £50,000

Friends of Israel: Parliamentary supporter

Designation: MP

English Region: Greater London

Country: United Kingdom

Details: This is the leader of the Labour Party who has changed the Labour Party to become undemocratic and has wielded oligarchic power over the party. He has expelled most of the socialists from the party, and expelled more Jews from the party than all other past Labour leaders put together. He is therefore antisemetic. He also claimed that Israel had the right to commit the war crime of starving the Gazans of food. He has made u-turns again and again and cannot be trusted in anything he says. He needs to be unseated.

Vote: No

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Nelson Mandela

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