St Peter's Square - Manchester - M2 3AE

Start Date: Saturday, 25th May 2024 - 12:00pm

End Date: Saturday, 25th May 2024 - 2:00pm

Description: Join our demonstration on Saturday to learn about the actions we take here in Manchester against genocide profiteers and to take to the streets again reaffirming our unwavering support for the Palestinian people. It has been too many months of Palestinian bloodshed. In addition to the continuing horrific atrocities people in Gaza are suffering under relentless Israeli bombing, blockade and massacres, this morning the Israei army raided Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank yet again, killing 7 people so far. This attack on Palestinian lives for over 76 years, escalating in the genocide in Gaza at the moment, would not have been possible without the British establishment, as well as the private corporations operating right here on our doorstep. Our solidarity is hollow if it does not mean taking action after action to disrupt and create material change, and cut the chain of murder stretching from Britain to Palestine. Whether a worker, a student, an artist, a caregiver, a scholar, or anything else, you have responsibility and you have power.

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''We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinian people''

Nelson Mandela

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